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Nudists are weird. lisafwf@gmail.com
Follow Food, Water, Fashion

Sunday, May 8, 2011


This is a story about a little girl who grew up on an island in the Caribbean, eating mangoes and drinking coconut milk (well, I'm sure she did more than that, but this is a bedtime story so for narrative's sake, I've got to leave out the boring bits), who got booted out of the country and shipped to the Motherland at the wee age of 13. And it was on said Motherland where she conveniently ended up becoming a mother who today lives on a peninsula, surrounded by a large body of water (except this time it's a lake and not the ocean; buzz-kill, I know), eating puff pastry and drinking red wine. And she gave birth to MEEEEEEEEEE (so I kind of owe her one). 
Mama Power deserved VIP treatment on this Mother's Day and that IS what she got.
Let us reminisce about the day...

First things first, this is my mother. This 5 foot nothin' woman birthed me and then sang this song. What can't she do???

And this is where the action went down.

And this is the action. And I made this. I'm still in shock.

And these are the actors.

And the stars of the show.

Ok, who am I kidding, THIS is the star of the show.

And who can forget the supporting actor? Yummy.

À la Carte: 
Roasted chicken and brie pies with honey and mustard
Garlic baguette skewers
Mediterranean salad with homemade feta cheese dressing
Summer fruits and ice cream

Make em' yourself! Do yo mama proud.

1 comment:

  1. Lisa this is soo nice what you did and the food looks really good and look Aunty can sing :)


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