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Nudists are weird. lisafwf@gmail.com
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Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Even More Sexual References in The Backroom: Launch that Party

The Backroom launch party came and went last Thursday night, and now you can all look forward to the culmination of this two week-long barrage of sexual innuendoes (courtesy of yours truly) and inside jokes understood mainly by me and.....well, me. But fear not, there will be more business (and by business, I mean bizNASS) transactions between me and the ladies of The Backroom where my quips about quickies in closets will likely only become more blatant and you, my readers, more offended. Don't you love it when everyone wins?

Well here you have it, visual documentation of the improper affairs that went on in the back. There was beer from the Burgundy Lion, bubbly, bubbly girls, Miss Cocotte, photography by Vanessa Boyce and Mick Sand, bracelets by Meliza, African print clutches by Nabila, a Denis Gagnon dress, cropped tops, short shorts, high heels, and physically hazardous neck attire. 

And even if you weren't apart of the sexy times launch party, The Backroom will be hosting a bow-tie-making bonafide BONANZA this Saturday, May 12 from 10am-6pm where you can get all riled up on free coffee and even more riled up about the prospect of wrapping your neck in a giant, aggressively pronounced bow.

Rachel, Karen and Marie are The Backroom babes

So what lesson have we learned kiddies? Get to The Backroom, even if you're not getting any. They have detachable collars and unisex bow-ties, which ARE clinically-proven aphrodisiacs and after whose purchase you will all unanimously exclaim that it is, in fact better, even best, in the back. Case closed. 

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