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Nudists are weird. lisafwf@gmail.com
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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

To Infinity...and Way Beyond

Dearest Blogger and Blogette friends, (I will ignore the fact that there are probably a grand total of two of you.)

Since I am the new kid on the block in the big ol' blogosphere, I think it only proper manners that I invite you to get to know me a little bit better. So, we will now commence the "Lisa 101" sessions.

Today's Lesson: The "Future" and Other Topics of Conversation to Avoid (well, until you no longer can)

As I said in my very first ever (!!) blog post a couple of days ago, I will be graduating from university (how this occured, I have no idea) in as few as 2 and a half months. I feel like only a little while ago I was sharing a teeny tiny dorm room with 3 other girls, drinking far too much Coors Light and Canadian than I care to remember (or am incapable of remembering for that matter), living off of a magical meal card which, strangely, seemed to never run out of money, and finding myself in a constant state of awe that there were so many members of the male species amassed onto one plot of land, day in, day out.

Oh, to be a first year again...

But, lately I feel like I have been teetering on the edge of the here & now and the FUTURE (those of you in similar situations may cringe.........now.) Since this past summer, my lack of an answer for the always popular and ever-irritating question, "What are your plans for next year/the future?" has been plaguing me to the very limits of mental stability.

But after much deliberation, a couple of allotted bawling-my-eyes-out sessions, a few intense pep talks (thanks friends!) and a narrowly avoided self-prescribed mid-mid-life crisis, I decided last week to take a giant leap of faith and do exactly what I want to do.

So now, my answer to the aforementioned question is......


Starting next January, I am going to be studying at the John Casablancas Institute in downtown Vancouver in its Fashion Arts Diploma program. (cue Hyperventilation)

In the past half a year, the world of fashion has become my obsession, my passion; I would go so far as to say a possibly detrimental addiction. (For example, the only thing other than chocolate that you may ever chance to find me drooling over is clothing. Can you say RED FLAG?) The fashion scene is the only place in which I can imagine myself in the next few years of my life and as long as all goes as planned and OSAP takes pity on me, the next part of my life looks VERY exciting through my eyes.

So here goes nothing....


Check out my school at http://www.jcinstitute.com

And check out this short video which shows some images from student-styled and photographed fashion shoots at JCI. Fashion shoots that I too will have a chance to be involved in!

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