Welcome to my blog!
FIRST... Introductions: I am a 20 something student/soon-to-be-graduate (a.k.a. Hobo) living on the cusp of the "what comes next?" This blog will be a regular compilation of my wishing, wandering, and wondering laid out bare for my own personal expression and for your (hopefully!) enjoyment.
If you share my unhealthy addictions with FOOD (insert salivating), WATER (or other consumptive liquids...), FASHION and all of their subcategories, follow me on Blog-lovin (a website that updates you regularly on your favourite blogs, bloglovin.com) and maybe this will be where you can get your regular fix!
The following are topics of the utmost importance, which I will gab shamelessly about:
- Ooey-gooey-delicious recipes (I love to try new recipes and then share the results which are either brilliant successes or, more often than not, epic failures. But always interesting.)
- Peanut butter (nuff said) (actually I lied, there is more to say, the PB sandwich has gone so far as to inspire some lost, confused soul to create a hat in its image. See below. What shameful but hilarious representation.)

- Moosetracks Ice -Cream!!! (or a similar gelato if available)
- Spanakopita (impossible to say 5 times fast, but impossibly DELICIOUS)(and Greek)

- Red Wine (ain't nothing better) (p.s. Do these actually exist? Brilliant? YES. Tacky as hell? Double YES.)

- Yoga (I'm having a mild love affair with it)

- Working out (relevant because I drink copious amounts of H2O during)
- Fashion is art (this, I do believe)
- Vintage clothing (expect many fabulous finds from Value Village, my go-to shopping destination/heaven)
- DIYs (nothing is more gratifying than wearing something designed & made by moi-même)
- Other art forms (music, theatre, concerts, books, etcetera, etcetera)
If you fancy a dose of A, B, C, or all of the above, tune-in for a fresh shot of my musings on these and other subjects of fancy.
Now....to bed! It is far too early in the morning for me to have serious plans about waking up for class. Oh god. Bring on the week!
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